Lectures > Lecture 8

Lecture 8 by Stephen Hall, Solid Mechanics, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, Sweden

Title: Neutron imaging to investigate 3D structures and coupled processes in materials.

Neutron imaging is a powerful tool for material structure and process chaacterisation, complimenting x-ray imaging through different imaging contrasts that enable, in a number of cases, enhanced visability of internal material structures. In this lecture we will discuss some of the theory and practicalities of neutron imaging (tomography and radiogaphy) including application to current research questions including rock hydromechanics, freezing in concrete and martian meteorite characterisation. We will also introduce some more advanced imaging modalities such as Bragg-edge imaging and dual x-ray and neutron imaging.

Biography: Stephen Hall is a Senior Lecturer in Solid Mechanics at Lund University.

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